Meet Madeline Lapreziosa: Penn State Junior and Comm 460W Student

Madeline Lapreziosa
Published in
2 min readJan 20, 2021


Hi everyone, my name is Madeline Lapreziosa. I am from North Wales, Pennsylvania, which is located around 30 minutes outside of Philadelphia. I am a current junior at Penn State double majoring in print and digital journalism and French language and culture.

After graduating from Penn State, I hope to go on to pursue a career in sports journalism. I enjoy writing about sports, especially soccer, so my dream would be to write about international soccer for a major publication such as ESPN or The Athletic. At some point I hope to also explore opportunities abroad since I enjoy traveling and speaking French.

In addition to sports, I am interested in pop culture and politics.

I have been on The Daily Collegian staff for three years now. I have spent most of my time covering sports, mainly the Penn State women’s soccer team. Last semester, in addition to sports, I was on The Daily Collegian’s lifestyle staff as an arts and entertainment blogger.

I studied abroad in Paris during the Spring 2020 semester, which was a great experience even though I was sent home in March due to the coronavirus pandemic.

I hope to learn a lot this semester and write some great stories!

